Importing an ipynb file from another ipynb file?

Solution 1:

It is really simple in newer Jupyter:

%run MyOtherNotebook.ipynb

See here for details.

Official docs: %run IPython magic command

Solution 2:

Install my helper library from the command prompt:

pip install import-ipynb

Import it from your notebook:

import import_ipynb

Now import your .ipynb notebook as if it was a .py file

import TheOtherNotebook

This python-ipynb module is just one file and it strictly adheres to the official howto on the jupyter site.

PS It also supports things like from A import foo, from A import * etc

PPS Works with subdirectories: import A.B

Solution 3:


!pip install ipynb

and then import the other notebook as

from ipynb.fs.full.<notebook_name> import *


from ipynb.fs.full.<notebook_name> import <function_name>

Make sure that all the notebooks are in the same directory.

Edit 1: You can see the official documentation here -

Also, if you would like to import only class & function definitions from a notebook (and not the top level statements), you can use ipynb.fs.defs instead of ipynb.fs.full. Full uppercase variable assignment will get evaluated as well.

Solution 4:

Install ipynb from your command prompt

pip install import-ipynb

Import in your notebook file

import import_ipynb

Now use regular import command to import your file

import MyOtherNotebook

Solution 5:

You can use import nbimporter then import notebookName