Why superuser don't have global menu integration? [closed]

In Unity, when running an application as a superuser, the menu is in the old-style. It's not integrated in the global menu. Why?

Solution 1:

This is a bug, but it hasn't had a status update in awhile.

This is not supported at the moment. There are 2 aspects to this bug.

The first aspect is that we use standard dbus calls, and don't differentiate between the real and effective user id to connect to the session bus. As a result, sudo apps are sharing a /distinct/ bus. dbusmenu could workaround that potentially.

The second aspect (more serious) is that the security implications would probably dictate that menus of sudo apps be exposed with some special color or rendering, to ensure the user is conscious that he is interacting with privileged apps. That's more a design aspect.

On the latter, you can argue however that sudo apps are currently displayed as normal apps, so the solution for that design is actually a more general problem to address.

Via Launchpad Bug report