Missing REQUIRED dependency: python3-dbus [how to install python dependencies]

I am trying to update HPLIP 3.14.3 to 3.15 but is not available through the software centre thus I am installing it from here.

However I am having difficulties in the automatic installation due to python. In particular, after selecting ubuntu 14.04, I get the error:

warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: python3-dbus (Python DBus - Python bindings for DBus) 
warning: This installer cannot install 'python3-dbus' for your distro/OS and/or version. 

But I have installed the following:

IDLE python 3.4
python 3.4
python3-dbus 1.2.0-2build2 (but not D-bus support & debug)

And when I tried to update these option I got:

Requires installation of untrusted packages

How can I overcome this issue? Thank you

best regards


I have run across this same issue with a newer HP printer and HPLIP. What eventually worked for me was an updated version of CUPS. At the time, I had to manually compile however it may be updated in the latest beta (15.04). I wouldn't recommend upgrading right away without question... first try a live nightly version to see if it will work or not.

I saw the same error message and it turned out that a custom Python installation was active (using virtualenv).

apt-get install installed these packages into the system's Python installation, but HPLIP ran in a shell where another Python installation was active. You can check this by trying to import dbus in Python, executed in the same shell as HPLIP:

$ python
Python 3.4.0 (default, Nov 21 2015, 10:48:18) 
[GCC 4.8.4] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import dbus
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named 'dbus'

$ which python