SMTP don't work when try to send mail from mail client

Mail server works fine when send mail from server, but when I use some mail client it not work.

I found this in logs:

Jul 12 19:45:04 tvsite postfix/smtpd[3356]: warning: hostname adsl-bb29-l44 does not resolve to address Name or service not known
Jul 12 19:45:04 tvsite postfix/smtpd[3356]: connect from unknown[]
Jul 12 19:45:04 tvsite postfix/smtpd[3356]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 454 4.7.1 <[email protected]>: Relay access denied; from=<[email protected]> to=<[email protected]> proto=ESMTP helo=<S>
Jul 12 19:45:04 tvsite postfix/smtpd[3356]: lost connection after RCPT from unknown[]
Jul 12 19:45:04 tvsite postfix/smtpd[3356]: disconnect from unknown[]

Also my mail client back this message:

Client does not have permission to submit mail to this server. The server response was: 4.7.1 <[email protected]>: Relay access denied

This is my for postfix:

# The myhostname parameter specifies the internet hostname of this
# mail system. The default is to use the fully-qualified domain name
# from gethostname(). $myhostname is used as a default value for many
# other configuration parameters.
myhostname =

# The mydomain parameter specifies the local internet domain name.
# The default is to use $myhostname minus the first component.
# $mydomain is used as a default value for many other configuration
# parameters.
mydomain =

# The myorigin parameter specifies the domain that locally-posted
# mail appears to come from. The default is to append $myhostname,
# which is fine for small sites.  If you run a domain with multiple
# machines, you should (1) change this to $mydomain and (2) set up
# a domain-wide alias database that aliases each user to
# [email protected].
# For the sake of consistency between sender and recipient addresses,
# myorigin also specifies the default domain name that is appended
# to recipient addresses that have no @domain part.
myorigin = $myhostname


# The inet_interfaces parameter specifies the network interface
# addresses that this mail system receives mail on.  By default,
# the software claims all active interfaces on the machine. The
# parameter also controls delivery of mail to user@[ip.address].
# See also the proxy_interfaces parameter, for network addresses that
# are forwarded to us via a proxy or network address translator.
# Note: you need to stop/start Postfix when this parameter changes.
inet_interfaces = all

# The mydestination parameter specifies the list of domains that this
# machine considers itself the final destination for.
# These domains are routed to the delivery agent specified with the
# local_transport parameter setting. By default, that is the UNIX
# compatible delivery agent that lookups all recipients in /etc/passwd
# and /etc/aliases or their equivalent.
# The default is $myhostname + localhost.$mydomain.  On a mail domain
# gateway, you should also include $mydomain.
# Do not specify the names of virtual domains - those domains are
# specified elsewhere (see VIRTUAL_README).
# Do not specify the names of domains that this machine is backup MX
# host for. Specify those names via the relay_domains settings for
# the SMTP server, or use permit_mx_backup if you are lazy (see
# The local machine is always the final destination for mail addressed
# to user@[] of an interface that the mail system
# receives mail on (see the inet_interfaces parameter).
# Specify a list of host or domain names, /file/name or type:table
# patterns, separated by commas and/or whitespace. A /file/name
# pattern is replaced by its contents; a type:table is matched when
# a name matches a lookup key (the right-hand side is ignored).
# Continue long lines by starting the next line with whitespace.
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain

# The unknown_local_recipient_reject_code specifies the SMTP server
# response code when a recipient domain matches $mydestination or
# ${proxy,inet}_interfaces, while $local_recipient_maps is non-empty
# and the recipient address or address local-part is not found.
# The default setting is 550 (reject mail) but it is safer to start
# with 450 (try again later) until you are certain that your
# local_recipient_maps settings are OK.
unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550


# The mynetworks parameter specifies the list of "trusted" SMTP
# clients that have more privileges than "strangers".
# In particular, "trusted" SMTP clients are allowed to relay mail
# through Postfix.  See the smtpd_recipient_restrictions parameter
# in postconf(5).
# You can specify the list of "trusted" network addresses by hand
# or you can let Postfix do it for you (which is the default).
# By default (mynetworks_style = subnet), Postfix "trusts" SMTP
# clients in the same IP subnetworks as the local machine.
# On Linux, this does works correctly only with interfaces specified
# with the "ifconfig" command.
# Specify "mynetworks_style = class" when Postfix should "trust" SMTP
# clients in the same IP class A/B/C networks as the local machine.
# Don't do this with a dialup site - it would cause Postfix to "trust"
# your entire provider's network.  Instead, specify an explicit
# mynetworks list by hand, as described below.
# Specify "mynetworks_style = host" when Postfix should "trust"
# only the local machine.
#mynetworks_style = class
#mynetworks_style = subnet
#mynetworks_style = host
mynetworks =

# The alias_maps parameter specifies the list of alias databases used
# by the local delivery agent. The default list is system dependent.
# On systems with NIS, the default is to search the local alias
# database, then the NIS alias database. See aliases(5) for syntax
# details.
# If you change the alias database, run "postalias /etc/aliases" (or
# wherever your system stores the mail alias file), or simply run
# "newaliases" to build the necessary DBM or DB file.
# It will take a minute or so before changes become visible.  Use
# "postfix reload" to eliminate the delay.
alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases

# The alias_database parameter specifies the alias database(s) that
# are built with "newaliases" or "sendmail -bi".  This is a separate
# configuration parameter, because alias_maps (see above) may specify
# tables that are not necessarily all under control by Postfix.
alias_database = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases

# The home_mailbox parameter specifies the optional pathname of a
# mailbox file relative to a user's home directory. The default
# mailbox file is /var/spool/mail/user or /var/mail/user.  Specify
# "Maildir/" for qmail-style delivery (the / is required).
home_mailbox = Maildir/

# The mail_spool_directory parameter specifies the directory where
# UNIX-style mailboxes are kept. The default setting depends on the
# system type.
mail_spool_directory = /var/mail

# The debug_peer_level parameter specifies the increment in verbose
# logging level when an SMTP client or server host name or address
# matches a pattern in the debug_peer_list parameter.
debug_peer_level = 2

# The debugger_command specifies the external command that is executed
# when a Postfix daemon program is run with the -D option.
# Use "command .. & sleep 5" so that the debugger can attach before
# the process marches on. If you use an X-based debugger, be sure to
# set up your XAUTHORITY environment variable before starting Postfix.
debugger_command =
     ddd $daemon_directory/$process_name $process_id & sleep 5

# If you can't use X, use this to capture the call stack when a
# daemon crashes. The result is in a file in the configuration
# directory, and is named after the process name and the process ID.
# debugger_command =
#   PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin; export PATH; (echo cont;
#   echo where) | gdb $daemon_directory/$process_name $process_id 2>&1
#   >$config_directory/$process_name.$process_id.log & sleep 5
# Another possibility is to run gdb under a detached screen session.
# To attach to the screen sesssion, su root and run "screen -r
# <id_string>" where <id_string> uniquely matches one of the detached
# sessions (from "screen -list").
# debugger_command =
#   PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin; export PATH; screen
#   -dmS $process_name gdb $daemon_directory/$process_name
#   $process_id & sleep 1

# The following parameters are used when installing a new Postfix version.
# sendmail_path: The full pathname of the Postfix sendmail command.
# This is the Sendmail-compatible mail posting interface.
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail

# newaliases_path: The full pathname of the Postfix newaliases command.
# This is the Sendmail-compatible command to build alias databases.
newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases

# mailq_path: The full pathname of the Postfix mailq command.  This
# is the Sendmail-compatible mail queue listing command.
mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq

# setgid_group: The group for mail submission and queue management
# commands.  This must be a group name with a numerical group ID that
# is not shared with other accounts, not even with the Postfix account.
setgid_group = postdrop

# html_directory: The location of the Postfix HTML documentation.
html_directory = /usr/doc/postfix-2.10.2/html

# manpage_directory: The location of the Postfix on-line manual pages.
manpage_directory = /usr/man

# sample_directory: The location of the Postfix sample configuration files.
# This parameter is obsolete as of Postfix 2.1.
sample_directory = /etc/postfix

# readme_directory: The location of the Postfix README files.
readme_directory = /usr/doc/postfix-2.10.2/README_FILES
inet_protocols = ipv4

#smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no
#broken_sasl_auth_clients = no
#smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header = no

Solution 1:

It is unclear which port you have used, if authentication was enabled in the MUA and how looks like

As you don't have a smtpd_recipient_restrictions setting in your config file, the default is used:

smptd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, defer_unauth_destination

It seems the first two rules do not apply, and the last one matches (a temporary reject): Relay access denied.

Sending mails is now allowed for all authenticated users and the local machine (so all local programs that connect to localhost).

For a public mailserver please take a look at the tutorials/guidelines at Basic Configuration Readme. Yes, it's much, but your own public mailserver brings not only fun but also responsibility!

Solution 2:

You probably do, and should, have relay authentication turned on. This setting will prevent anonymous users from sending spam.

I'm assuming you are using a desktop client to send/receive email. Do you have login authentication enabled on the smtp server settings in your client? If not, then logging in to the server like this will probably solve your problem.

Solution 3:

I had a similar problem, noticed that outlook was changing incoming port to 993 automatically when I selected ssl but didn't change outgoing from 25. Manually change 25 to 465 for outgoing fixed it.