Exchange 2007 and 2010: Weekly report of internal email needed
I have two Exchange mailbox servers. One running 2007 the other 2010, both Standard edition.
I've looked at 3rd party solutions to get email statistics, and I'm sure they'll work fine. I like MessageStats in particular.
But, I'm curious if there are any free tools or scripts (or even under $500) out there that can give me a weekly report of internal emails (sent/received without going through the SMTP connectors), for both versions/servers.
Solution 1:
The message tracking logs are ASCII text files and fairly easy to parse. If you're comfortable writing scripts you could probably code something quick-and-dirty that would give you what you want. With the right header definition Microsoft LogParser could probably do what you want, too.
Solution 2:
Evan, thanks.
I found this powershell script over on Technet that does exactly what is needed for free.
Hope it helps others here.
And just in case the link dies in the future:
#requires -version 2.0
$today = get-date
$rundate = $($today.adddays(-1)).toshortdatestring()
$outfile_date = ([datetime]$rundate).tostring("yyyy_MM_dd")
$outfile = "email_stats_" + $outfile_date + ".csv"
$dl_stat_file = "DL_stats.csv"
$accepted_domains = Get-AcceptedDomain |% {$_.domainname.domain}
[regex]$dom_rgx = "`(?i)(?:" + (($accepted_domains |% {"@" + [regex]::escape($_)}) -join "|") + ")$"
$mbx_servers = Get-ExchangeServer |? {$_.serverrole -match "Mailbox"}|% {$_.fqdn}
[regex]$mbx_rgx = "`(?i)(?:" + (($mbx_servers |% {"@" + [regex]::escape($_)}) -join "|") + ")\>$"
$msgid_rgx = "^\<.+@.+\..+\>$"
$hts = get-exchangeserver |? {$_.serverrole -match "hubtransport"} |% {$}
$exch_addrs = @{}
$msgrec = @{}
$bytesrec = @{}
$msgrec_exch = @{}
$bytesrec_exch = @{}
$msgrec_smtpext = @{}
$bytesrec_smtpext = @{}
$total_msgsent = @{}
$total_bytessent = @{}
$unique_msgsent = @{}
$unique_bytessent = @{}
$total_msgsent_exch = @{}
$total_bytessent_exch = @{}
$unique_msgsent_exch = @{}
$unique_bytessent_exch = @{}
$total_msgsent_smtpext = @{}
$total_bytessent_smtpext = @{}
$unique_bytessent_smtpext = @{}
$dl = @{}
$obj_table = {
Date = $rundate
User = $($address.split("@")[0])
Domain = $($address.split("@")[1])
Sent Total = $(0 + $total_msgsent[$address])
Sent MB Total = $("{0:F2}" -f $($total_bytessent[$address]/1mb))
Received Total = $(0 + $msgrec[$address])
Received MB Total = $("{0:F2}" -f $($bytesrec[$address]/1mb))
Sent Internal = $(0 + $total_msgsent_exch[$address])
Sent Internal MB = $("{0:F2}" -f $($total_bytessent_exch[$address]/1mb))
Sent External = $(0 + $total_msgsent_smtpext[$address])
Sent External MB = $("{0:F2}" -f $($total_bytessent_smtpext[$address]/1mb))
Received Internal = $(0 + $msgrec_exch[$address])
Received Internal MB = $("{0:F2}" -f $($bytesrec_exch[$address]/1mb))
Received External = $(0 + $msgrec_smtpext[$address])
Received External MB = $("{0:F2}" -f $($bytesrec_smtpext[$address]/1mb))
Sent Unique Total = $(0 + $unique_msgsent[$address])
Sent Unique MB Total = $("{0:F2}" -f $($unique_bytessent[$address]/1mb))
Sent Internal Unique = $(0 + $unique_msgsent_exch[$address])
Sent Internal Unique MB = $("{0:F2}" -f $($unique_bytessent_exch[$address]/1mb))
Sent External Unique = $(0 + $unique_msgsent_smtpext[$address])
Sent External Unique MB = $("{0:F2}" -f $($unique_bytessent_smtpext[$address]/1mb))
$props = $obj_table.ToString().Split("`n")|% {if ($_ -match "(.+)="){$matches[1].trim()}}
$stat_recs = @()
function time_pipeline {
param ($increment = 1000)
begin{$i=0;$timer = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::startnew()}
process {
if (!($i % $increment)){Write-host “`rProcessed $i in $($timer.elapsed.totalseconds) seconds” -nonewline}
end {
write-host “`rProcessed $i log records in $($timer.elapsed.totalseconds) seconds”
Write-Host " Average rate: $([int]($i/$timer.elapsed.totalseconds)) log recs/sec."
foreach ($ht in $hts){
Write-Host "`nStarted processing $ht"
get-messagetrackinglog -Server $ht -Start "$rundate" -End "$rundate 11:59:59 PM" -resultsize unlimited |
time_pipeline |%{
if ($_.eventid -eq "DELIVER" -and $_.source -eq "STOREDRIVER"){
if ($_.messageid -match $mbx_rgx -and $_.sender -match $dom_rgx) {
$total_msgsent[$_.sender] += $_.recipientcount
$total_bytessent[$_.sender] += ($_.recipientcount * $_.totalbytes)
$total_msgsent_exch[$_.sender] += $_.recipientcount
$total_bytessent_exch[$_.sender] += ($_.totalbytes * $_.recipientcount)
foreach ($rcpt in $_.recipients){
$exch_addrs[$rcpt] ++
$msgrec[$rcpt] ++
$bytesrec[$rcpt] += $_.totalbytes
$msgrec_exch[$rcpt] ++
$bytesrec_exch[$rcpt] += $_.totalbytes
else {
if ($_messageid -match $messageid_rgx){
foreach ($rcpt in $_.recipients){
$msgrec[$rcpt] ++
$bytesrec[$rcpt] += $_.totalbytes
$msgrec_smtpext[$rcpt] ++
$bytesrec_smtpext[$rcpt] += $_.totalbytes
if ($_.eventid -eq "RECEIVE" -and $_.source -eq "STOREDRIVER"){
$exch_addrs[$_.sender] ++
$unique_msgsent[$_.sender] ++
$unique_bytessent[$_.sender] += $_.totalbytes
if ($_.recipients -match $dom_rgx){
$unique_msgsent_exch[$_.sender] ++
$unique_bytessent_exch[$_.sender] += $_.totalbytes
if ($_.recipients -notmatch $dom_rgx){
$ext_count = ($_.recipients -notmatch $dom_rgx).count
$unique_msgsent_smtpext[$_.sender] ++
$unique_bytessent_smtpext[$_.sender] += $_.totalbytes
$total_msgsent[$_.sender] += $ext_count
$total_bytessent[$_.sender] += ($ext_count * $_.totalbytes)
$total_msgsent_smtpext[$_.sender] += $ext_count
$total_bytessent_smtpext[$_.sender] += ($ext_count * $_.totalbytes)
if ($_.eventid -eq "expand"){
$dl[$_.relatedrecipientaddress] ++
foreach ($address in $exch_addrs.keys){
$stat_rec = (new-object psobject -property (ConvertFrom-StringData (&$obj_table)))
$stat_recs += $stat_rec | select $props
$stat_recs | export-csv $outfile -notype
if (Test-Path $dl_stat_file){
$DL_stats = Import-Csv $dl_stat_file
$dl_list = $dl_stats |% {$_.address}
else {
$dl_list = @()
$DL_stats = @()
$DL_stats |% {
if ($dl[$_.address]){
if ([datetime]$_.lastused -le [datetime]$rundate){
$_.used = [int]$_.used + [int]$dl[$_.address]
$_.lastused = $rundate
$dl.keys |% {
if ($dl_list -notcontains $_){
$new_rec = "" | select Address,Used,Since,LastUsed
$new_rec.address = $_
$new_rec.used = $dl[$_]
$new_rec.Since = $rundate
$new_rec.lastused = $rundate
$dl_stats += @($new_rec)
$dl_stats | Export-Csv $dl_stat_file -NoTypeInformation -force
Write-Host "`nRun time was $(((get-date) - $today).totalseconds) seconds."
Write-Host "Email stats file is $outfile"
Write-Host "DL usage stats file is $dl_stat_file"
#Contact information
#[string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "