How quickly does the bonus pool refill?
In SC2, how fast do my bonus pool points refill? I have finally worn my pool down to 0. Does anybody know if it is just time that refills them or something else?
Solution 1:
According to original research by our friends at teamliquid:
The Bonus Pool accrues at a rate of 1 point per 2 hours, whether the player or team is active or not. The Bonus Pool also begins building based on when the ladder season began. That is, if Player A was placed into a division and started with a Bonus Pool of 100, then 24 hours later Player B placed into a new division, Player B's Bonus Pool would be 112.
This means it does not matter when you join the ladder your bonus pool will be as if you joined at the start of the season.
You'll notice this was last updated August 11th
Solution 2:
The bonus pool for 1v1 matches and the random team leagues grows by one point per two hours, as tzenes points out in his answer.
The non-random team leagues (where you play with a fixed team) have a slower growing bonus pool, at least in the current (the second) season. The bonus pool for 2v2 teams grows only by one point every three hours, and the bonus pool for 3v3 and 4v4 teams only increases by one point every six hours.
The reason for these lower increases is probably that fixed teams usually don't play as often. A single player can always start a game whenever he feels like it, but for a team all members have to be online. If teams would get the same bonus pool as single players, most of the teams probably wouldn't be able to deplete the pool.