Convert nullable bool? to bool

Solution 1:

You ultimately have to decide what the null bool will represent. If null should be false, you can do this:

bool newBool = x.HasValue ? x.Value : false;


bool newBool = x.HasValue && x.Value;


bool newBool = x ?? false;

Solution 2:

You can use the null-coalescing operator: x ?? something, where something is a boolean value that you want to use if x is null.


bool? myBool = null;
bool newBool = myBool ?? false;

newBool will be false.

Solution 3:

You can use Nullable{T} GetValueOrDefault() method. This will return false if null.

 bool? nullableBool = null;

 bool actualBool = nullableBool.GetValueOrDefault();

Solution 4:

If you're going to use the bool? in an if statement, I find the easiest thing to do is to compare against either true or false.

bool? b = ...;

if (b == true) { Debug.WriteLine("true"; }
if (b == false) { Debug.WriteLine("false"; }
if (b != true) { Debug.WriteLine("false or null"; }
if (b != false) { Debug.WriteLine("true or null"; }

Of course, you can also compare against null as well.

bool? b = ...;

if (b == null) { Debug.WriteLine("null"; }
if (b != null) { Debug.WriteLine("true or false"; }
if (b.HasValue) { Debug.WriteLine("true or false"; }
//HasValue and != null will ALWAYS return the same value, so use whatever you like.

If you're going to convert it to a bool to pass on to other parts of the application, then the Null Coalesce operator is what you want.

bool? b = ...;
bool b2 = b ?? true; // null becomes true
b2 = b ?? false; // null becomes false

If you've already checked for null, and you just want the value, then access the Value property.

bool? b = ...;
if(b == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException();