HTTP handler vs HTTP module

Can someone explain in less than 2 sentences the difference between both? Yes, I know google can provide hundreds of answers but not one in 2 clear sentences:)

HttpHandler is where the request train is headed. HttpModule is a station along the way.

The two sentences:

An HttpModule will execute for every request to your application, regardless of extension, and is generally used for things like security, statistics, logging, etc.

An HttpHandler is generally associated with a specific extension, and is used for things like RSS feeds, dynamic image generation or modification, and the like.

A little more explanation if that's not completely clear:

The way I think about them - modules "plug in" to the request pipeline, whereas handlers "handle" a specific file extension. So, if you've got a site with a LoggingModule and a PdfHandler, both will execute for a request to, and the logging module alone will execute for a request to

There's a pretty clear article on the difference on MSDN: HTTP Handlers and HTTP Modules Overview