Symfony2 updating bootstrap.php.cache

Recently I started a project in Symfony2 from the BETA version available on

After a while, I needed to upgrade to the master branch, so I retrieved the latest from github and switched it in vendor/symfony.

However, my bootstrap.php.cache and bootstrap_cache.php.cache are not upgraded, which has generated errors.

I tried clearing the symfony cache, to no avail.

How can I update these files to correspond to my project?

In the 2.0 release the original file is here:


Edit: in release 2.3 the file is here


If you run the composer update command you will also update your project dependencies which is not the desired behaviour here. If you do that you'll have to test the new changes to see if they do affect your application somehow.

So if you just want to rebuild your bootstrap cache file then I suggest you run the post-update-cmd command.

Therefore you should use:

composer run-script post-update-cmd

which in my case executes the following scripts (see composer.json):

"scripts": {
    "post-install-cmd": [

Please consider that you can also create a new set of scripts in there to just rebuild the bootstrap file and clears the cache without installing the assets and so on:

"scripts": {
    "reset-bootstrap-cmd": [

and then... composer run-script reset-bootstrap-cmd