In Sublime, what do the left/right arrow buttons do in the top left of the interface?

I know it sounds like a stupid question, but clicking them does nothing noticeable, and I can't find any info after googling it.

Solution 1:

There are two tab display modes in Sublime Text 3. Layer and shrink. Those arrows are part of the layer setting.

You can use the arrows to scroll, for example:

enter image description here

and after clicking a few times:

enter image description here

You can also:

  • Scroll the tabs with the mouse wheel.
  • Hold down your click for continued scrolling.
  • Use the downward arrow to open a dropdown list of tabs.
  • Note: The arrows and mouse wheel don't take effect until there are enough tabs to scroll through.
  • Note: Scrolling will not open the tabs automatically like shrink mode will.

To disable:

  • In your user settings, add "enable_tab_scrolling": false. This will revert the display to shrink. And you can open the tabs by scrolling with the mouse wheel.