How do I stop the Unity launcher from hiding behind other windows?

The Unity launcher tends to put itself in the background of any windows sometimes.

It does not occur on startup, just randomly after some hours of usage.

How do I bring it back to front without restarting my computer/destroying my gdm session?


It was hard to get a picture of both the dash and the launcher since the dash captures the PRT SCRN key. Although the dash will hide behind any other windows too.

After some further use, my pc froze for a brief moment (it's under heavy load from render jobs), now dash and launcher shows correctly in front of everything.

I found this solution from comment #15 in an Ubuntu bug report:

After this bug occurs, restarting unity by "unity& disown" in a terminal fixes the problem

There there is a duplicate bug here

I hit this same issue with 13.10 (Saucy). As ZeTo said, CCSM solved the issue for me. Here's what I had to do:

sudo apt-get install -y compizconfig-settings-manager

run ccsm

agree to the warning about it being an advanced tool

select Ubuntu Unity Plugin (right side in the Desktop section)

Uncheck "Enable Ubuntu Unity Plugin" (left side of the screen)

Click Back (left side of the screen)

select Ubuntu Unity Plugin (right side in the Desktop section)

Now, check "Enable Ubuntu Unity Plugin" (left side of the screen) note: you will receive an error message about conflicts, just click "ignore conflicts" and continue

Exit CCSM and now the dash behaves properly for me, comes up in foreground instead of background.