Service providers with SAML version 2 for SSO accessible to public? [closed]

I'm wondering if there are any publicly available SAML version 2 SPs (Service Providers) that can be used to test SSO(Single Sign On)

Salesforce and Google apps both have an SSO solution, but how to go get access to them and what is the cost for those services?

I could setup a service provider using OpenSSO on an another system for my testing purpose.

UPDATE: Samling is live again at

Samling is a serverless SAML IdP for the purpose if testing any SAML SP endpoint. It supports AuthnRequest and LogoutRequest.

It runs solely in the browser to simulate SAML responses returned from a SAML IdP - no registration, no servers, just a browser. You can control many aspects of the response - from success to various failures.

Simply setup the target URL for the SAML IdP to be, and you're done. If there is a SAMLRequest query param present on the request, Samling will parse, extract and populate the relevant fields.

samling start page

If you don't want to use the online version, you can clone the samling repo from and host it yourself - all you will need is a static file server.

Salesforce has a free developer edition you can sign up for at: It will enable you to test with them acting as either a SAML 2.0 SP or IDP. It is quite simple to sign up and use its SAML features for testing purposes.

For Google, they offer free 30 day Google Apps accounts for trial purposes - beyond that you need to pay.

As you say - there are loads others (like PingFederate or OpenAM) that you could either get for free, sign up for a trial for or purchase - if you want something in house.

Shibboleth offer a publicly available SAML v2 SP and IdP; Note - works with any SAML IdP/SP, not just shib.

Why not just use SimpleSAMLPHP? It's easy to set up, and can be used as a service provider. Google Apps is also pretty easy to set up as a SAML service provider.


I can't recommend because I haven't used it, but it sounds promising, so worth trying.

They provide free public users and integration with your own SP and additional features with premium accounts.