How can you unit test an Action Filter in ASP.NET Web Api?

You can create a fake for HttpActionExecutedContext as below:

public static HttpActionContext CreateActionContext(HttpControllerContext controllerContext = null, HttpActionDescriptor actionDescriptor = null)
    HttpControllerContext context = controllerContext ?? ContextUtil.CreateControllerContext();
    HttpActionDescriptor descriptor = actionDescriptor ?? new Mock<HttpActionDescriptor>() { CallBase = true }.Object;
    return new HttpActionContext(context, descriptor);

public static HttpActionExecutedContext GetActionExecutedContext(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpResponseMessage response)
    HttpActionContext actionContext = CreateActionContext();
    actionContext.ControllerContext.Request = request;
    HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext = new HttpActionExecutedContext(actionContext, null) { Response = response };
    return actionExecutedContext;

I just copied and pasted that code from the ASP.NET Web API source code: ContextUtil class. Here is a few examples on how they tested some built in filters:

  • AuthorizeAttributeTest

  • ActionFilterAttributeTest

ActionFilterAttributeTest is the test class for ActionFilterAttribute which is an abstract class but you will get the idea.

Just new one up.

private HttpActionContext CreateExecutingContext()
    return new HttpActionContext { ControllerContext = new HttpControllerContext {   Request = new HttpRequestMessage() } };

private HttpActionExecutedContext CreateExecutedContextWithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode statusCode)
    return new HttpActionExecutedContext
        ActionContext = new HttpActionContext
            ControllerContext = new HttpControllerContext
                Request = new HttpRequestMessage()
        Response = new HttpResponseMessage
            StatusCode = statusCode,
            Content = new StringContent("blah")

I had the same problem when trying to test a custom unhandled exception filter I had built.

This did the trick. Lots of newing up and a very long line of code.

var httpActionExecutedContext = new HttpActionExecutedContext(
    new HttpActionContext(
        new HttpControllerContext(
            new HttpConfiguration(),
            new HttpRequestMessage()),

NSubstiute was used, but any mocking framework of your choice that handles abstract base classes would be fine.

Hope this helps

I've been banging my head against a brick wall over this also. I tried contextUtil but kept getting a null reference exception. I found out how to call an actionFilter in this post N.B. The actionFilter wasn't being invoked when using a Mock instance of the filter, I had to use the real object. HTH


var httpActionContext = new HttpActionContext
    ControllerContext = new HttpControllerContext
        Request = requestMessage

//call filter
var filter = new FooFilter();