Make kernel modules available that have been deactivated on Fedora

I think I got it, although it's probably far from perfect.

  1. Prepare the source code by running

    rpmbuild -bp --target=$(uname -m) kernel.spec
  2. Go to the build directory, for example by:

    cd ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/kernel-3.14.fc20/linux-3.14.8-200.fc20.x86_64
  3. Edit Makefile and set EXTRAVERSION to something like:

    EXTRAVERSION = -200.fc20.x86_64
  4. Enable the modules. I suggest starting with the corresponding file underneath the configs directory (I used kernel-3.14.8-x86_64.config).

  5. Prepare the kernel for modules:

    make modules_prepare
  6. Build the module:

    make M=drivers/net/can
  7. Profit! Insert the module:

    insmod can-dev.ko