Read and write binary file in VBscript

I used earlier ADODB.Stream to read and to write binary file here is the link for that

How to concatenate binary file using in VBscript

it works fine the only problem is is disabled on windows 2003 server,

Is there another way i can read 3 files in binary mode and concatenate them or store them in one file in VBscript

thank you Jp

Based on Luc125 and Alberto answers here are the 2 reworked and simplified functions:

The Read function

Function readBinary(strPath)

    Dim oFSO: Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim oFile: Set oFile = oFSO.GetFile(strPath)

    If IsNull(oFile) Then MsgBox("File not found: " & strPath) : Exit Function

    With oFile.OpenAsTextStream()
        readBinary = .Read(oFile.Size)
    End With

End Function

The Write function

Function writeBinary(strBinary, strPath)

    Dim oFSO: Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    ' below lines pupose: checks that write access is possible!
    Dim oTxtStream

    On Error Resume Next
    Set oTxtStream = oFSO.createTextFile(strPath)

    If Err.number <> 0 Then MsgBox(Err.message) : Exit Function
    On Error GoTo 0

    Set oTxtStream = Nothing
    ' end check of write access

    With oFSO.createTextFile(strPath)
    End With

End Function

I had a similar problem a year ago. We know that the TextStream objects are intended for ANSI or Unicode text data, not binary data; their .readAll() method produces a corrupted output if the stream is binary. But there is workaround. Reading the characters one by one into an array works fine. This should allow you to read binary data into VB strings, and write it back to disk. When further manipulating such binary strings do not forget that certain operations may result into broken strings because they are intended for text only. I for one always convert binary strings into integer arrays before working with them.

Function readBinary(path)
Dim a
Dim fso
Dim file
Dim i
Dim ts
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fso.getFile(path)
If isNull(file) Then
    MsgBox("File not found: " & path)
    Exit Function
End If
Set ts = file.OpenAsTextStream()
a = makeArray(file.size)
i = 0
' Do not replace the following block by readBinary = by ts.readAll(), it would result in broken output, because that method is not intended for binary data 
While Not ts.atEndOfStream
    a(i) =
i = i + 1
readBinary = Join(a,"")
End Function

Sub writeBinary(bstr, path) Dim fso Dim ts Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") On Error Resume Next Set ts = fso.createTextFile(path) If Err.number <> 0 Then MsgBox(Err.message) Exit Sub End If On Error GoTo 0 ts.Write(bstr) ts.Close End Sub

Function makeArray(n) ' Small utility function Dim s s = Space(n) makeArray = Split(s," ") End Function

The ADODB stream object is VBScript's only native method of reading binary streams. If ADODB is disabled, you will need to install some other third-party component to provide the same functionality.

It is possible to read all bytes together:

Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fil = FS.GetFile(filename)
fpga = fil.OpenAsTextStream().Read(file.Size)

ADODB stream object is VBScript's only native method of reading binary streams

Const TypeBinary = 1
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8

Function readBytes(file)

     Dim inStream: Set inStream = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") ' ADODB stream object used

     inStream.Open ' open with no arguments makes the stream an empty container 
     inStream.type= TypeBinary
     readBytes = inStream.Read()

End Function

Sub writeBytes(file, bytes)

    Dim binaryStream: Set binaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")

    binaryStream.Type = TypeBinary
    binaryStream.Open 'Open the stream and write binary data
    binaryStream.Write bytes
    binaryStream.SaveToFile file, ForWriting 'Save binary data to disk

End Sub