changing array dimensions in fortran

Solution 1:

See the RESHAPE intrinsic, e.g.

Alternatively, if you want to avoid the copy (in some cases an optimizing compiler might be able to do a reshape without copying, e.g. if the RHS array is not used afterwards, but I wouldn't count on it), as of Fortran 2003 you can assign pointers to targets of different rank, using bounds remapping. E.g. something like

program ptrtest
  real, pointer :: a(:)
  real, pointer :: b(:,:)
  integer :: n = 10
  a = 42
  b (1:n, 1:n) => a
end program ptrtest

Solution 2:

I was looking to do the same thing and came across this discussion. None of the solutions suited my purposes, but I found that there is a way to reshape an array without copying the data using iso_c_binding if you are using the fortran 2003 standard which current fortran 90/95 compilers tend to support. I know the discussion is old, but I figured I would add what I came up with for the benefit of others with this question.

The key is to use the function C_LOC to convert an array to an array pointer, and then use C_F_POINTER to convert this back into a fortran array pointer with the desired shape. One challenge with using C_LOC is that C_LOC only works for array that have a directly specified shape. This is because arrays in fortran with an incomplete size specification (i.e., that use a : for some dimension) include an array descriptor along with the array data. C_LOC does not give you the memory location of the array data, but the location of the descriptor. So an allocatable array or a pointer array don't work with C_LOC (unless you want the location of the compiler specific array descriptor data structure). The solution is to create a subroutine or function that receives the array as an array of fixed size (the size really doesn't matter). This causes the array variable in the function (or subroutine) to point to the location of the array data rather than the location of the array descriptor. You then use C_LOC to get a pointer to the array data location and C_F_POINTER to convert this pointer back into an array with the desired shape. The desired shape must be passed into this function to be used with C_F_POINTER. Below is an example:

program arrayresize
  implicit none
  integer, allocatable :: array1(:)
  integer, pointer :: array2(:,:)

  ! allocate and initialize array1
  array1 = (/1,2,3,4,5,6/)

  ! This starts out initialized to 2
  print *, 'array1(2) = ', array1(2)

  ! Point array2 to same data as array1. The shape of array2
  ! is passed in as an array of intergers because C_F_POINTER
  ! uses and array of intergers as a SIZE parameter.
  array2 => getArray(array1, (/2,3/))

  ! Change the value at array2(2,1) (same as array1(2))
  array2(2,1) = 5

  ! Show that data in array1(2) was modified by changing
  ! array2(2,1)
  print *, 'array(2,1) = array1(2) = ', array1(2)


  function getArray(array, shape_) result(aptr)
    use iso_c_binding, only: C_LOC, C_F_POINTER
    ! Pass in the array as an array of fixed size so that there
    ! is no array descriptor associated with it. This means we
    ! can get a pointer to the location of the data using C_LOC
    integer, target :: array(1)
    integer :: shape_(:)
    integer, pointer :: aptr(:,:)

    ! Use C_LOC to get the start location of the array data, and
    ! use C_F_POINTER to turn this into a fortran pointer (aptr).
    ! Note that we need to specify the shape of the pointer using an
    ! integer array.
    call C_F_POINTER(C_LOC(array), aptr, shape_)
  end function
end program