Error: Cannot obtain Metadata from WCF service

I have a successfully running WCF service that I can call using javascript. However I want to invoke it using the WCF test client and im having difficulty doing this. I am told that I need to make sure I have enabled meta data publishing at the specified address. After reading the documentation I just cant see what im meant to do this is my configuration:

           <service name="CommentSessionIDWCFService" 
                  contract="ICommentSessionIDWCFService" />
             <behavior name="CommentSessionIDBehavior">
                <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>
                <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true"/>
              <behavior name="CountryProvinceBehavior">

I've read other posts but I can't see what to populate and I just keep getting errors. Q's..

  1. Am I right in saying that I need to configure a complete new service in my config to show the metadata?

  2. What do I add to the configuration to make this meta data published so I can invoke with the client?

Solution 1:

You need a metadata endpoint for your service, here`s an example.

    <service name="MyService" behaviorConfiguration="MEX">

        <behavior name="MEX">