Do Windows mice work with Ubuntu? [closed]

Solution 1:

Basic USB/USB wireless mice normally work (still have to find one that doesn't).

If the mouse is a gaming/special mouse, it depends. Most of the time it will just work as a normal mouse or will require quite a lot of configuration, unless the manufacturer explicitly support Linux. Said in other way, the additional buttons will probably be recognized by the system, but they are not normally assigned to anything, and if the manufacturer does not provide info, configuring them will be a bit of a pain.

You can see something in the Ubuntu Community help and in the (as ever) nicely and complete Arch wiki help page (most of it will work in Ubuntu too, but you have to adapt conf files locations and so on).

If you think of a specific mouse, you can ask (please --- another) specific question to see if anyone with the same model has solved the thing for you.