How should I deal with "'someFunction' is not an exported object from 'namespace:somePackage'" error? [closed]

Solution 1:

Some reasons:

  • Function is not part of the package, anymore, try ??someFunction to find out which package it belongs to.
  • Package data is not part of the package
  • Function is available in newer version of the package, reinstall latest version.

See also these questions referring to specific instances of this problem:

  • Error: 'use_package' is not an exported object from 'namespace:devtools'
  • 'data' is not an exported object from 'namespace:my_package'
  • Error: 'st_normalize' is not an exported object from 'namespace:sf' when using 'geom_sf()'
  • R Error: 'overlay' is not an exported object from 'namespace:sp'
  • 'stopwords' is not an exported object from 'namespace:tokenizers'
  • Error: 'is_latex_output' is not an exported object from 'namespace:knitr' in Rmarkdown
  • R package Error: 'encode_colour' is not an exported object from 'namespace:farver'
  • R Markdown Error: 'is_latex_output' is not an exported object from 'namespace:knitr'
  • Error: 'StatIdentity' is not an exported object from 'namespace:ggplot2' when calling ggmap in R
  • Data not exported from namespace in R