What weapons are class restricted?

Solution 1:

Any character (including wizards and witch doctors) can wield any non class-specific weapon, with a few small exceptions.

The class-specific weapons are:

  • Ceremonial Knife (Witch Doctor)
  • Hand Crossbow (Demon Hunter)
  • Fist Weapon (Monk)
  • Daibo (Monk)
  • Mighty Weapon (Barbarian)
  • Wand (Wizard)

There are also off-hand class-specific items, as well as class-specific armor.

In addition to the class weapons, a few classes are restricted from using certain general items. The restrictions are as follows:

  • Wizard: No polearms or two-handed maces (other two-handed weapons are OK)
  • Barbarian: No staves, no ranged
  • Demon Hunter: No two-handed weapons other than bows and crossbows, some skills restricted to ranged weapons.
  • Monk: No ranged
  • Witch Doctor: No special restrictions

The idea behind having wands for Wizards is that the magic enchantments on them are particularly beneficial to the Wizard so it's more likely you'll be using a wand if you care about general Wizard stats or skills. You are otherwise, however, free to use whichever general weapon you want.