A feeling of there is "something more to it"

Sometimes after encountering certain events or incidents, we may consequentially sense a kind of uncanny feeling. It often feels like there is "something more to it" or "certain enlightenment or revelation" ahead for us to find out. The feeling is generally positive, something that we are looking forward to know "what's next".

What do we name/describe this kind of feeling as?

The feeling is generally positive, something that we are looking forward to know "what's next".

I suggest anticipation.

Suspicion comes to mind, though a little vague, and it has connotations of mistrust:

5. imagination of anything to be the case or to be likely; a vague notion of something.

Hunch is the best I can think of, as it describes an intuitive idea of circumstances which is not based on proof.

As to being a vague but positive "what's next" feeling, such as you describe, I'm not sure there is a concise term for it.