Setting up Freestyle 2 keyboard in Ubuntu 14.04

Solution 1:

Please install tool evtest

apt-get install evtest

After you must run

sudo evtest

and press a keys to determine theis keycodes. If there is no keycodes probably you have an issue with firmware or linux driver.

Solution 2:

As a workaround you can save this in .xbindkeysrc

"amixer -D pulse -q sset Master 3%-"

"amixer -D pulse -q sset Master 3%+"
m:0x0 + c:193

"xrandr --output HDMI-0 --brightness .7"
m:0x1 + c:192
#Shift XF86Launch5

"xrandr --output HDMI-0 --brightness 1"
m:0x1 + c:193

This allows you to control audio with F1/F2 when 'fn' is not blue.

sudo killall xbindkeys && xbindkeys