Is there a way to queue up the next song on my iPhone?

Is there a way to pick which song should play after the current song finishes?

I often browse my music library while listening, and I'll want to play a specific song, but not stop the current song in the middle. Is there a way to queue up a song to start after the current one?

Solution 1:

As they say in the iPhone world, "There's an app for that" (Review) :-) It's called OnCue.

Solution 2:

You could try Play It Next, it does just that.

Play It Next

Solution 3:

You should get the Music Queue Player, this app will solve your problem. It uses the iOS music library and iOS 7 design and allows you to manage queues of songs that you can update whilst playing. You can also save queues. It's the best app of this kind I've seen!