Chrome won't quit! (Mac Yosemite)

I tried normal quit, and it closes and immediately re-opens.
I tried force quit, and it closes and immediately re-opens.
I tried force quit from the Activity Monitor, and it closes and immediately re-opens. I tried to restart; this was not allowed because Chrome was open.
I turned off using the power button, and turned back on. Chrome opened (despite not being in my login list, and despite me specifying NOT to open the windows that were previously open)
I tried to delete Chrome; not allowed because it's open.
I tried to force quit then immediately delete, but it opens so fast I can't do that.
I used the terminal rm -rf method of deleting, and pages of text appeared, all saying essentially this but with different things between 'contents' and 'permission denied'. rm: /Applications/Google Permission denied

Does anyone have a clue what's going on? I am out of ideas.

That other answer isn't good because you should not shut down your computer, and it is very unlikely that malware has anything to do with not being able to shut down an application. Do this

  • Type sudo killall Google\ Chrome on the Terminal.

  • If this does not work, do this:

    pgrep -x "Google Chrome"

    You will see a number, then type kill -9 numberhere where numberhere is the number that the pgrep command returned.

And to instatly delete the app, no matter if it is open or not, do:

sudo rm -rf /Applications/Google\

Then type your password.

The reason you get a permission denied error is because you need root access do to this, just use sudo on the terminal for this.

Please try the following:

  1. Open the Terminal application
  2. Type "sudo shutdown -h now" and hit enter.
  3. When prompted, enter your password. You will not see the password as it is typed. Hit enter once more.

This should immediately force your computer to shut down. You may have malware on your machine. I recommend having it scanned.

Cheers, Byron

OS (El Captain):

Had the same issue and couldn't restart (menu restart), but chrome wasn't the culprit. My problem stemmed from an issue with the Dock process. After issuing:

sudo killall Dock 

It force restarted my Dock process and cleared up my issue. Hope this is helpful.