What is the best way to learn backbone.js? Any other alternatives? [closed]

Solution 1:

As with learning a lot of programming related things, my advice would be:

  • Pick a task you think is suitable for what you're working with
  • Attempt to execute that task
  • If you find you're stuck, show the code you have and explain what you think should be happening. Make sure you check documentation to verify your functions work as you expect them to.
  • As you progress, people will also show you more standard and efficient ways to do things
  • Keep doing this until you become more familiar with how things work
  • Now, look over documentation in depth to help fully master how it works as a whole, continuing to ask questions
  • Pretty soon you'll be answering questions more than asking them

Solution 2:

I've come across the awesome book, Developing Backbone.js Applications by Addy Osmani. Addy has clearly explained MVC, writing modular code, testing JS code using jasmine and many more in detail.


There is an open source version of the same book as well.