Define default values for function arguments
Solution 1:
If you want named arguments and default values like PHP or Python, you can call your function with a table constructor:
(This is seen in many places in Lua, such as the advanced forms of LuaSocket's protocol modules and constructors in IUPLua.)
The function itself could have a signature like this:
function myfunction(t)
setmetatable(t,{__index={b=7, c=5}})
local a, b, c =
t[1] or t.a,
t[2] or t.b,
t[3] or t.c
-- function continues down here...
Any values missing from the table of parameters will be taken from the __index
table in its metatable (see the documentation on metatables).
Of course, more advanced parameter styles are possible using table constructors and functions- you can write whatever you need. For example, here is a function that constructs a function that takes named-or-positional argument tables from a table defining the parameter names and default values and a function taking a regular argument list.
As a non-language-level feature, such calls can be changed to provide new behaviors and semantics:
- Variables could be made to accept more than one name
- Positional variables and keyword variables can be interspersed - and defining both can give precedence to either (or cause an error)
- Keyword-only positionless variables can be made, as well as nameless position-only ones
- The fairly-verbose table construction could be done by parsing a string
- The argument list could be used verbatim if the function is called with something other than 1 table
Some useful functions for writing argument translators are unpack
(moving to table.unpack
in 5.2), setfenv
(deprecated in 5.2 with the new _ENV
construction), and select
(which returns a single value from a given argument list, or the length of the list with '#'
Solution 2:
In my opinion there isn't another way. That's just the Lua mentality: no frills, and except for some syntactic sugar, no redundant ways of doing simple things.