Cygwin rsyncd sends too many file names

I "solved" this by doing it the way I sort of didn't want to do: I added the following line to my rsyncd.conf:

    exclude from = /cygdrive/c/cygwin/etc/rsyncd.exclude

And rsyncd.exclude is:

- /dev/*
- /dev
- /cygdrive/*
- /cygdrive
- /proc

Now it works as intended, with the caveat that this means I can't have directories / files named "dev", "proc" or "cygdrive" in my share's root directory. Probably doesn't matter to most; it would be confusing to have a "cygdrive" or "proc" folder, but an argument could be made that a folder for devs would be called "dev" or something like that. Again, seems somewhat minor, maybe most won't care.

I solved this by adding use chroot = false to my /etc/rsyncd.conf.