Show / hide div on click with CSS

I have a menu and three hidden divs that show up depending on what option the user selects. I would like to show / hide them on click using only CSS. I have it working with jquery right now but I want it to be accessible with js disabled. Somebody here provided this code for someone else but it only works with div:hover or div:active, when I change it to div:visited it doesn't work. Would I need to add something or perhaps this isn't the right way to do it? I appreciate any help :)

The thing is my client wants this particular divs to slide/fade when the menu is selected, but I still want them to display correctly with javascript turned off. Maybe z-index could do the trick...?

Solution 1:

For a CSS-only solution, try using the checkbox hack. Basically, the idea is to use a checkbox and assign different styles based on whether the box is checked or not used the :checked pseudo selector. The checkbox can be hidden, if need be, by attaching it to a label.

link to dabblet (not mine):

link to CSS Tricks article:

Solution 2:

This can be achieved by attaching a "tabindex" to an element. This will make that element "clickable". You can then use :focus to select your hidden div as follows...

.clicker {


.clicker:focus + .hiddendiv{

<div class="clicker" tabindex="1">Click me</div>
<div class="hiddendiv"></div>



The + selector will select the nearest element AFTER the "clicker" div. You can use other selectors but I believe there is no current way to select an element that is not a sibling or child.