Default constructors and inheritance in Java

  1. If you do not make a constructor, the default empty constructor is automatically created.

  2. If any constructor does not explicitly call a super or this constructor as its first statement, a call to super() is automatically added.


Constructors are not inherited.

Also, the initialization of fields is done by the virtual machine, not the default constructor. The default constructor just invokes the default constructor of the superclass, and the default constructor of Object is empty. The good point of this design is that there is no way to ever access uninitialized fields.

Unless you use super(...) a constructor calls the empty constructor of its parent. Note: It does this on all you classes, even the ones which extend Object.

This is not inheriting, the subclasses don't get the same constructors with the same arguments. However, you can add constructors which call one of the constructors of the super class.

The basic rule is a call (or invocation) to a constructor should be the first statement that JVM needs to execute,

So when you have a super class with only parameterized constructor and no default constructor, and base class has no explicit call to the parameterized constructor of the super class, JVM provides the super(); call which throws error as there is no default constructor for the super class, so either we provide a default constructor in the super class or we explicitly call the parameterized constructor of the super class in the base class constructor. when we give the explicit call, then JVM doesn't bother to put the line super(); as constructor invocation should be the first statement of the method, which cannot happen (because of our explicit call).