Why won't OS X Mountain Lion remember smb password on login?

After mounting an smb shared drive and putting in my username and password, OS X will ask me if I want to save password to keychain. I can say yes but it will not save it. The drive has also been added as a login item.

My username requires the domain, so it's like: mydomain\firstname.lastname

On login, the window pops up and has forgotten the mydomain\ leaving firstname.lastname and the password field is, of course, blank.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Solution 1:

You can create a link file with the username and password, and put that in the login items.

In Finder select Connect to Server and enter:


Don't click connect or press enter, just highlight the whole address and drag to desktop (or anywhere else), and it will save as a file. You can rename it, if you like.

Then from System Preferences, Users and Groups, Login items, add the file you just created.

Solution 2:

Try making an alias of the network drive that you would like to connect to and store that in the Login Items.

  1. Connect to the device / computer using the Finder. (Note don't connect as a guest)

  2. Connect to the share or drive on that source, and open it using the Finder.

  3. With that window open showing the contents of that connected share click the network share disk icon next to the window name, and drag it to the desktop while holding down the option+Command keys.
    Note: The icon just dragged to the desktop should have a tiny black arrow in the lower right corner, indicating that it is a alias.

  4. Add the Alias to your log in items.

Note: If the problem persists, try removing the saved password for that share in the Keychain Access Application, and repeat.

Solution 3:

I have had the same problem, and I have had it for ages. I eventually got rid of it by having a close look at the entries saved in the keychain - I actually found two relating to that server - and deleting them. (Keychain Access in Programs > Utilities is the tool for that.)

Once the botched entries were removed from the keychain, I could save my login credentials. Dragging the share to the sidebar in Finder, or to the desktop, also worked all of a sudden (it didn't previously).