How to restore hidden Library folder in Time Machine

I want to restore the hidden user Library folder from Time Machine but I am unable to see it when I enter Time Machine. Read on.

I thought the hidden Library folder would appear if I used the Terminal command to either reveal the hidden Library folder AND/OR to show all hidden files and folders. Both commands work outside of Time Machine but they don't show any hidden files or folders when I am in Time Machine space.

Is it possible to see and/or restore the hidden Library folder in Time Machine?

I appreciate any help? I'm stuck.

P.S. I am using 10.8.1 if that is helpful to know. And the Time Machine backup that I am trying to restore my Library folder from was from my previous hard drive in which I was also running 10.8.1. I switched to a new hard drive.

If you use the Finder's menu "goto" while holding down the Alt, the library folder is visible in the menu:

Finder with Library Folder in Goto Menu

Select it. The finder shows the content of /Users/<your name>/Library. Now start Time Machine by clicking on its icon in the dock – violà, you have what you want:

Time Machine showing User Library folder

When you want to access another invisible folder that is not listed in the 'Go' list in Finder you can go to the same folder and choose for 'Go to Folder' or CommandShiftG. Here you can type in any location you want to goto.

Go to Folder

You can use bypass to make changes in the folders for snapshots: sudo /System/Library/Extensions/TMSafetyNet.kext/Helpers/bypass chflags nohidden /Volumes/*/Backups.backupdb/*/*/*/Users/*/Library/. bypass was in /System/Library/Extensions/TMSafetyNet.kext/Contents/MacOS/bypass on Lion.

Related questions:

  • Scripting the unhiding of Library folders on Time Machine disks
  • How to recover file from 'hidden' directory with Time Machine?

I tried using Tinker Tool and it does show the hidden Library folder but the folder has the red dot with the dash inside meaning I don't have access to it. So although a creative solution I am not able to access the contents of the Library folder.

I used these Terminal commands:

chflags nohidden ~/Library


defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true
killall Finder

Both methods show hidden files and folders but they don't work right for Time Machine.

Using Tinker Tool 4.9 I showed invisibles, then went into Time Machine. Invisibles were still there.