Difference between "simplify" and "facilitate" [closed]

Are simplify and facilitate interchangeable? The Oxford dictionary defines them as:

simplify: make (something) simpler or easier to do or understand

facilitate: make (an action or process) easy or easier

Facilitate is often used specifically with an agent, eg: he facilitated the meeting, or the software facilitates the accurate recording of information. The event or process remains the same, but the subject is helped to progress through it by the agent.

Simplify is more commonly used to imply the process or event has been made simpler through changing its structure or rules, although as commented below, this may not make it easier to carry out the process.

Facilitate implies an external assistance that makes something easier to do or accomplish.

Simplify implies a reduction in complexity. Certain tasks can be facilitated via simplification, but sometimes, things can be simplified too far, as noted in other answers.