What is one word for phone number, email address, skype? [closed]

On a web site I have contact details section. This section can contain phone number, email address, personal site, etc. And I have button to add new item for contact details.

What is more correct form for 'Add ...'?

I think contact information is more common than contact details, although the latter is defined in Collins Dictionary as:

the information required to contact someone, such as an address or telephone number

To see that contact information is more common than contact details, see this ngram.

These two words comprise a collocation and are immediately understood to mean exactly what you want them to mean. Don't be led on the wild goose chase of looking for a single word when two will do just fine.

Here are some examples of "contact information" being used on websites: here, here, here, and here.

These days it's quite common to use "contact info" (short for contact information already mentioned) which includes e-mail address, phone number, mobile number, skype, facebook username, whatever.

The shortest suggestion I can think of is a shorter form of 'contact information'.

Contact info

This is also the version that Microsoft utilize in the popular Skype application.

Screenshot from Android Version of Microsoft Skype Application