How to run an iOS app that causes runtime error for frameworks "code signature invalid"

Solution 1:

This is an issue with iOS 13.3.1. All dynamic frameworks being compiled to the newest release of iOS 13.3.1 are experiencing this issue when run on a personal provisioning profile/developer account. The solution, copied from jmagman from Github, is below.

You can:

  1. Use a non-Personal Team provisioning profile (paid developer account).
  2. Run on the 13.3.1 simulator.
  3. Test on a real iOS device running 13.3 or lower.
  4. Install the beta profile on your test device and install iOS 13.4 beta 3. (Fixed)
  5. Wait for iOS 13.4 to be released.

Hopefully this issue will be fixed soon.

Solution 2:

I'm using CocoaPods, and for me this fixes the error (Wasa22's Answer on github issue):

  1. Open the podfile
  2. Comment out use_frameworks!
  3. Add use_modular_headers!
  4. In Terminal, do a pod update -> pod install
  5. In Xcode, Clean (Command-Shift-K) -> Build and Run.


Solution 3:

This appears to be fixed on iOS 13.4 beta 3. You can install the beta profile or wait for the release of iOS 13.4.

Solution 4:

I see 2 way to fix it.

  1. Downgrade to iOS 13.3. iOS 13.3.1 breaks third parties signature unless you have a paid developer account. If possible (get a cheap iphone dedicated to development)

  2. Update Mac OS, Xcode, and iOS to latest Beta version (Update anyone of them alone will not work, because iOS beta requires latest Xcode beta, and Xcode requires latest Mac OS Catalina)