Powershell Script Will not Run upon Open or Pass Parameter from Task Scheduler

Windows 10 64-bit. PowerShell 5.1

How to pass arguments from a Windows scheduled task to a PowerShell script.

Add to powershell script %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\1.ps1:

Write-host "
All the arguments are: $args"
Write-host "    The first argument is: " $args[0]
Write-host "    The second argument is: " $args[1]
cmd /c pause 

Build your scheduled task:

A stopped task will sometimes leave behind an instance of conhost.exe. If it is not killed the task might fail. Make the following command the first action of your task:

taskkill /f /im conhost.exe 

If there are no spaces and / or quotes in your argument / s you do not have to quote the argument / s.

powershell %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\1.ps1 Argument1 Argument2

If there are spaces and / or quotes in your argument / s you have to single quote the argument / s.

powershell %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\1.ps1 'Argument One' 'Argument Two' 
powershell %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\1.ps1 '"ArgumentOne"' '"ArgumentTwo"' 

Copy and paste the entire command into a new action in the "Program/script:" box and click OK. Windows 10 Task Scheduler will ask you if you want to split the paste between "Program/Script" and "Add arguments". Click Yes.

screenshot paste command into new action

See stackoverflow

See Bing search - pass arguments to powershell script

See Bing search - windows scheduled task pass arguments to powershell script