Run a silent batch command on Windows

I have a .bat file to run some programs (Apache httpd, Tomcat, ecc.). These programs have their own window and if I just type this into the .bat file:


When this runs I get many prompt windows, how can I prevent this?

Solution 1:

Add at the beginning of the batch file:

@echo off

The commands in the Batch file would actually be start

start /B ../apache/bin/httpd.exe

start /B ../tomcat/bin/catalina.exe

/B : Start application without creating a new window. In this case ^C will be ignored - leaving ^Break as the only way to interrupt the application

Solution 2:

Another way to solve this problem is to use CHP

This program run an hidden process and return its PID by return code. Than you can use this pid to close the process with taskkill.