Media Queries in Emotion Styled Components
To clarify, there was mainly a minor syntax error in what the OP had posted (there should be no additional backticks in the interpolated string).
A full example of his code including type annotations would look like:
const breakpoints: { [index: string]: number } = {
sm: 500,
md: 768,
lg: 992,
xl: 1200,
const mq = Object.keys(breakpoints)
.map((key) => [key, breakpoints[key]] as [string, number])
.reduce((prev, [key, breakpoint]) => {
prev[key] = `@media (min-width: ${breakpoint}px)`;
return prev;
}, {} as { [index: string]: string });
const Container = styled.div`
${mq["sm"]} {
max-width: 750px;
${mq["md"]} {
max-width: 970px;
${mq["lg"]} {
max-width: 1170px;