Is a bool read/write atomic in C#

Is accessing a bool field atomic in C#? In particular, do I need to put a lock around:

class Foo
   private bool _bar;

   //... in some function on any thread (or many threads)
   _bar = true;

   //... same for a read
   if (_bar) { ... }

Solution 1:


Reads and writes of the following data types are atomic: bool, char, byte, sbyte, short, ushort, uint, int, float, and reference types.

as found in C# Language Spec.

Edit: It's probably also worthwhile understanding the volatile keyword.

Solution 2:

As stated above, bool is atomic, but you still need to remember that it also depends on what you want to do with it.

if(b == false)
    //do something

is not an atomic operation, meaning that the value of b could change before the current thread executes the code after the if statement.

Solution 3:

bool accesses are indeed atomic, but that isn't the whole story.

You don't have to worry about reading a value that is 'incompletely written' - it isn't clear what that could possibly mean for a bool in any case - but you do have to worry about processor caches, at least if details of timing are an issue. If thread #1 running on core A has your _bar in cache, and _bar gets updated by thread #2 running on another core, thread #1 will not see the change immediately unless you add locking, declare _bar as volatile, or explicitly insert calls to Thread.MemoryBarrier() to invalidate the cached value.

Solution 4:

the approach I have used, and I think is correct, is

volatile bool b = false;

.. rarely signal an update with a large state change...

lock b_lock
  b = true;

... another thread ...

    lock b_lock
           //other stuff
           b = false;

the goal was basically to avoid having to repetively lock an object on every iteration just to check if we needed to lock it in order to provide a large amount of state change information which occurs rarely. I think this approach works. And if absolute consistancy is required, I think volatile would be appropriate on the b bool.