Remote Desktop in Windows 10 Home

I am running a windows 10 home edition and there is no Remote Desktop option in it. I want to remote in to my Windows 10 machine from linux but cant do that. So I installed RDP wrapper to enable this feature. But it says that it is not supported. Is there any way that i can enable remote desktop without RDP wrapper? I have Remmina installed on my linux. Any one please help me with the issue.

I suggest not to force Windows Home to enable Remote Desktop, especially as it's prohibited by your user license of Windows.

For desktop sharing you could use instead a third-party VNC based product, many of whom are free.

Here are some products (in no special order):

  • TeamViewer free for personal use
  • TigerVNC free and open-source
  • NoMachine freemium
  • Chrome Remote Desktop free and browser-based
  • AnyDesk free for personal use
  • Remotely