Update a network driver through GPO/AD

Our organization has just deployed new computers with Windows 8.1. Roughly 50 of them. We've run into an issue with the driver on the new computers which is flooding the network with ipv6/multicast chatter. Acording to this article, disabling ipv6 does not fix the issue.

I'm looking for a script or GPO to deploy out the patched driver that is supposed to deal with this issue.

Got it scripted, thanks for your input guys.

xcopy "\\fileserver\share$\I217" "C:\I217\"
%SystemRoot%\System32\InfDefaultInstall.exe C:\I217\e1d64x64.inf

I realize you have already figured it out with a similar command, but just as an FYI you can also use the pnputil command to do what you need. Just copy the driver files (.inf, .sys, .cat) into some folder on the system (with a script doing xcopy or Group Policy preferences), and run the following command:

pnputil -i -a "C:\folder\driver.inf"

Note that you want to run the command elevated (e.g. in a Computer Startup script, not a User Logon script).

I have used pnputil in a PowerShell script to iterate through a folder tree and load all of the drivers contained within. This is really handy with a Microsoft Surface, where the drivers are distributed in a single ZIP file.

$ScriptPath = "C:\SurfacePro2_Drivers"
$files = get-childitem -path $Scriptpath -recurse -filter *.inf
foreach ($file in $files)
    Write-host "Injecting driver $file"
    pnputil -i -a $file.FullName

I know this may be a little late at this point, but you may want to precede your login script with something like:

if exists "C:\I217\e1d64x64.inf" goto :EXIT
xcopy "\\fileserver\share$\I217" "C:\I217\"
%SystemRoot%\System32\InfDefaultInstall.exe C:\I217\e1d64x64.inf  
REM Complete script

That way, you'll only technically run the copy command once. Saving your network resources from extra work. :)