Image viewer without antialiasing

I need an image viewer with the following features:

  1. Infinite zoom in and zoom out.
  2. No antialiasing. I want to see pixels as is and as close as I want to.
  3. Mouse control.
  4. (optional) Show pixel coordinates and RGBa value.

I tried shotwell (the default on my system), gpicview, sxiv and feh but none of them is both handy enough and satisfies my needs.

Gimp does the thing, but it is too heavy to be run just as image viewer.

Geeqie is lightweight and will do the job.

To install sudo apt-get install geeqie

In order to disable anti-aliasing go to Edit > Preferences > Preferences > Image and change zoom quality to nearest and disable two pass rendering.

In order to show pixel coordinates and RGB value go to View and check Pixel Info

The default Linux Image Viewer (as of now at least) supports the no anti-aliasing option: go to Image Viewer > Preferences > Image Viewer and turn off Smooth images when zoomed out/in. The infinite zoom-in is still missing.