Moving physical drive (SSD) with installed Ubuntu from one machine to another

I haven't found exact answer to my question, so I'm creating this thread. Most of the threads considered transferring data - not moving physical drive.

I'm using laptop with installed Ubuntu. I'm going to buy a new laptop and I want to put SSD from my old laptop to the new laptop.

Can I move physical drive (SSD) with installed Ubuntu from one machine to another and still have working system?

Will it work correctly or I have to format disk and install system again from the scratch?

I'm asking this question, because I'd be happy if I could avoid next procedure of re-installing and configuring my system from the scratch, when I have it done on the old machine. It can be fun, but takes some time.

Solution 1:

I moved an SSD with Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS from a broken Lenovo Ideapad Y560 with ATI GPU to a Desktop PC with intel integrated graphics and it booted perfectly. Foremore, it detected new graphics card and install intel sandy drivers automatically.

Solution 2:

Theoretically if you haven't adapted your kernel and stayed on the generic one and your ubuntu wasn't an old one, I assume you can try to go ahead. Post your success experience later here.