Apple Magic Trackpad multitouch configuration

So far I've only had success in 10.10 by using the "synaptics" driver.

Put the following in your xorg.conf:

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier "multitouch touchpad"
        MatchIsTouchpad "on"
        MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
        Driver "synaptics"

Once that's done, you should be able to tweak the cursor speed, scrolling speed and other parameters with gpointing-device-settings. Not sure if it's legacy now, but you may need

Option "SHMConfig" "True"

in the above section for that as well.

With multiple monitors and ATI eyefinity (3 screens 5760x1080 px) I had a problem with the vertical and horizontal movement speed and acceleration of the mouse pointer with the Apple Magic trackpad in Ubuntu 11.04. (I use the ATI propriety FGLRX drivers)

Also i wanted to simulate the fast flick-to-scroll behavior with two fingers as in OSX.

My settings for the Magic trackpad in /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Section "InputClass"      
    Identifier      "Apple Magic Trackpad"
    MatchIsTouchpad "on"
    MatchUSBID      "05ac:030e"
    Driver          "synaptics"
    Option          "VertScrollDelta"  "50"
    Option          "HorizScrollDelta" "50"
    Option          "MinSpeed"         "0.6"
    Option          "MaxSpeed"         "1.3" 
    Option          "AccelFactor"      "0.08"
    # these two options are for multiple monitors 3:1 ratio.  
    Option          "VertResolution"   "1"
    Option          "HorizResolution"  "3"

wiki.ubuntu page about 10.10 and Apple Magic Trackpad