How to resume the interrupted upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04?

Previous the upgrade, my bashrc file was modified in order to add some Path configuration.

While executing do-release-upgrade everything was fine until a message prompted about the status of the bashrc file and an option menu was displayed.

From the menu, I chose the "compare changes" option and the only difference was my previous modification. No problem.

Here is the problem: I ctrl-c and the whole upgrading stopped. After that, I rebooted my computer and from then it is possible to start Ubuntu only in recovery mode.

After logging in (in recovery mode shell) the welcome header message says "Welcome to Ubuntu 15.04" but the "your Ubuntu release is not supported any more" and "new release '15.04' available" warnings still appear.

I've tried to do-release-upgrade again but got the "no new release found" message.

How can I finish or re-run the upgrade??


This worked for me (running this after a reboot) it started off where the upgrade was interrupted.

sudo dpkg --configure -a

You have already partially installed 15.04. There is no point in doing a do-release-upgrade any-more, and it will naturally say "No new release found".

What you need to do it is the below command which will install the missing packages, assuming apt-get is installed in the first place:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade