Cygwin Connection closed by ::1

Solution 1:

Here are some possibilities to try :

  1. Try substituting for localhost.
  2. Verify that the cyg_server user account has a valid home directory (create /home/cyg_server if required) and its shell is /bin/bash.
  3. Uninstall Cygwin completely, clean up its directories and environment variables, and reinstall. The password to use is the one you provide while configuring Cygwin.
  4. Try using your normal account instead of cyg_server that is suggested by the Cygwin installation.

I don't understand why your post is tagged "linux" when you are using Cygwin - it should in this case be "windows". In this case, have a look at this article : Running hadoop in Windows.

Solution 2:

The cyg_server user is not intended for direct use.

Check your /etc/hosts file for correctness, check that it explicitly resolves localhost to

If you don't need IPv6, deactivate it.