Open links as another chrome user profile?

I'm getting really tired of Google logging me in to their websites using my full name and secretly changing privacy settings so that it's very difficult to tell what's being published under my name and such all just because I'm logged into my Gmail account. I'm thinking the best solution is to create two user profiles, one that just has Gmail (and other stuff I want associated with my name) and one where I do all my normal browsing.

The problem is, a lot of times there are links in my Gmail or sites like that that I would like to click, but of course they'll end up opening in the Gmail user profile. Is there some kind of chrome extension that I could install that opens links in a new profile? (I think the ideal behavior would be that links that open in a new tab or a new window always open as a designated user-profile, whereas links that open in the same window work fine).

If such a thing doesn't exist, is there a way to open links in a pre-set profile in the existing Chrome scripting language, or would this be something I'd have to make out of the proverbial duct-tape and rubber bands?

Solution 1:

It's been a long time, but Chrome recently added "Open as..." to the context menu when you right-click a link. If you have only one other profile, it'll just offer that; if you have more, there's a submenu from which you can choose the profile that you want to open the link with.