Vectors, structs and std::find

Solution 1:


it = std::find_if(bot.monsters.begin(), bot.monsters.end(), 
        boost::bind(&monster::id, _1) == currentMonster);

Or write your own function object if you don't have boost. Would look like this

struct find_id : std::unary_function<monster, bool> {
    DWORD id;
    find_id(DWORD id):id(id) { }
    bool operator()(monster const& m) const {
        return == id;

it = std::find_if(bot.monsters.begin(), bot.monsters.end(), 

Solution 2:

how about:

             [&cm = currentMonster]
             (const monster& m) -> bool { return cm == m; }); 

Solution 3:

You need to write your own search predicate:

struct find_monster
    DWORD id;
    find_monster(DWORD id) : id(id) {}
    bool operator () ( const monster& m ) const
        return == id;

it = std::find_if( monsters.begin(), monsters.end(), find_monster(monsterID));

Solution 4:

Take a look at the std::find template, the third parameter especially:

template<class InputIterator, class EqualityComparable>
InputIterator find(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
               const EqualityComparable& value);

What is this EqualityComparable? Again from the documentation:

A type is EqualityComparable if objects of that type can be 
compared for equality using operator==, and if operator== is 
an equivalence relation. 

Now, your type monster needs to define such an operator. If you don't the compiler generates one for you (as also the default ctor and the dtor) which does a memcmp sort of thing which doesn't work in your case. So, to use std::find first define a comparator function/functor that the algorithm can use to match your currentMonster i.e. something along the lines of:

 struct monster {
  // members
  bool operator==(const monster& l, const monster& r) const
     return ==;

Solution 5:

or put the monsters in a map instead of a vector

or if they must be in a vector create an index map ie map of ID to vector index