Discord.py Check if Channel is a DM

I am creating a command that i only want to be executable through a DM with the bot. The current code makes it possible to send the command to any channel, i want to prevent this.

async def check(ctx, arg):
    if discord.ChannelType.private:
        await ctx.send(arg)

I've also tried: discord.ChannelType == discord.ChannelType.private & discord.DMChannel

In discord.py, direct message channel objects come from class discord.channel.DMChannel. We can check if an object comes from a class using isinstance():

async def check(ctx, arg):
    if isinstance(ctx.channel, discord.channel.DMChannel):
        await ctx.send(arg)

Add a dm_only check:

async def check(ctx, arg):
    await ctx.send(arg)

You could try:

async def check(ctx, arg):
    if ctx.guild is False:
        await ctx.send(arg)

I use discord.py version 1.3.3 and if ctx.guild is False: doesn't work for me. In my opinion you should use the discord class discord.ChannelType, that's what it is there for. The following code works for me

async def check(ctx, arg):
    if ctx.channel.type is discord.ChannelType.private:
        await ctx.send(arg)