Passing constructor arguments when using StructureMap

I'm using StructureMap for my DI. Imagine I have a class that takes 1 argument like:

public class ProductProvider : IProductProvider
     public ProductProvider(string connectionString)

I need to specify the "connectionString at run-time when I get an instance of IProductProvider.

I have configured StructureMap as follows:


However, I don't want to call EqualTo("something...") method here as I need some facility to dynamically specify this value at run-time.

My question is: how can I get an instance of IProductProvider by using ObjectFactory?

Currently, I have something like:


But as you know, this doesn't work...

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Solution 1:

I suggest declaring that with the StructureMap configuration. Using the slightly newer StructureMap code:


This way you don't burden your client code from having to know the value and can keep your IoC configuration separate from your main code.

Solution 2:

I found the answer myself! Here is the solution:


Hope this helps others who have come across the same issue.