Mounting CD drive

I'm attempting to mount my CD drive so that I can use it, and I'm confused on all the necessary steps I need to take to get it working smoothly. When I go to my disk utilities it is popping up on my screen and I can eject the disc by clicking eject on the screen, but it says there is no medium in drive when there is. What method should I take to start? And can someone explain exactly what mounting completely entails, thanks for your help.

Usually, if a CD or DVD is inserted, you can see them under /dev/cdrom. You wont be able to view the contents from that location directly such as by doing cd /dev/cdrom or ls .

You can mount this CD by creating a mount point or using the existing mount point such as /media

run the following command

 sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media
 #you can use your custom mount point as well if this is on your desktop or somewhere else

For more information on the mount command, You can read the manual pages by doing man mount

That's it. You should be able to see the files under /media folder now.

Good Luck!

Add your original ubuntu_server.iso file in your VM CD drive from manual setting option and then check how many media available with you

#sudo ls /media/
cdrom floppy1 floppy2

Then is not there then create a directory

#cd /media
#sudo mkdir cdrom
cdrom floppy1 floppy2
@[this CDROM have been created with this command

after then mount this cdrom in your DEV directory

[then go to home/main directory for mount]

run bellow commant and boom! mount your CDROM on ubuntu_server

#sudo mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom
[this will mount your CDROM on ubuntu server successfully]
